English Summary
The German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi) e.V.
• is an independent scientific society,
• represents the field of epidemiology in research and teaching,
• cooperates with related scientific societies for the purpose of scientific exchange, in the pursuit of mutual goals and in the organization of workshops or conferences.
The history of an independent epidemiological society in Germany begins with a workshop on „Epidemiology“ in Bremen in 1992. This led to the foundation of the German Working Group Epidemiology (DAE) in 1993. The DAE was initially under the patronage of the three societies
• German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS),
• German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP) and
• International Biometric Society, German Region (IBS-DR).
The concentrated input of the epidemiological expertise of these three societies, from the beginning, proved to be productive for the development of the field. At annual conferences, further epidemiology-interested groups could be involved. A rapid increase of the number of the DAE members as well as the establishing of own scientific content, from the late 90s onwards, led to the discussion, whether to transform the working group into an independent scientific society. This process went on for several years, until 2004, when the members of the DAE voted for the formation of a new society.
2005, this finally resulted in the foundation of the DGEpi as a „registered society“ and its registration in Hannover, Germany. Hannover was also the domicile of the office for amny years, affiliated to the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Informatics – Foundation University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (Prof. Kreienbrock). The first board of the DGEpi was formed by: Prof. Dr. Heiko Becher, Heidelberg, as chairman, Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Hense, Münster, as vice chairman, respectively, Prof. Dr. Torsten Schäfer, Lübeck as treasurer, Dr. Karen Steindorf, Heidelberg, and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hoffmann, Greifswald.
Since then, the number of members steadily increased to more than 800 members (June 2018). Also the number of working groups within the DGEpi increased to 18. Until 2005, 12 DAE annual conferences, and since 2006, another 12 DGEpi conferences took place, respectively, sometimes in cooperation with other scientific societies. These conferences also attracted increasing attention. In addition, a lot of meetings and training workshops were and are still offered by the various working groups.
Health Policy and International Linkage
Beyond their scientific activities the DGEpi becomes more and more recognizable in the public health research field as well as in the health policy in Germany, for instance through commenting on non-smoking policy, screening measures, and vaccinations, respectively. At present, the DGEpi intensifies their international connections (e.g. with the IEA) and is pleased to be a lively and productive scientific society which adds to the development of epidemiology in Germany.
The DGEpi is linked with the European Epidemiology Federation representing the European epidemiologic societies within the International Epidemiological Association IEA. Individual DGEpi members hold memberships with other international epidemiologic societies such as the SER in the USA. The official EEF contact person for the DGEpi is Prof. Eva Grill, Munich.
Statute and Organization
The first version of the DGEpi statute dates from 11/08/2004 and has been amended on 06/03/2005, 09/26/2008, 03/06/2009 and 04/29/2012, respectively actual version of the statute as of 04/29/2012
The DGEpi is constituted by the members assembly and the board.
To coordinate their activities, the members relate themselves to working groups (AGs). The at present 18 AGs are the driving force of DGEpi. Therefore, members are expected to participate actively in at least one AG and thus contribute to the development of the field and the DGEpi.
The working groups are in some cases also affiliated to other societies. This adds to the good relationship between the societies and contributes to the development of the field.
Board and Office
Board (contact details):
Dr. med. Berit Lange (President)
Prof. Dr. med. Marcus Dörr (Vice President)
Dr. phil. nat. Sandra Beermann (Treasurer)
Dr. PH Daniela Koller
Prof. Dr. med. Rafael Mikolajczyk
German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi) e.V.
Mrs Nicole Kroll
c/o Ulm University
Institute of Epidemiology & Medical Biometry
Helmholtzstraße 22
D – 89081 Ulm
Fon: +49-731-50-31076
Fax: +49-731-50-31069
E-mail: geschaeftsstelle@dgepi.de